
In our opinion the WRIGHT way to start your next venture.

Work out who you want to be.

Make sure your message and offering are clear. Be consistent and be known for something. In our experience venues with the weakest messages and unclear offering are the ones most likely to fail within their first year. A good test is to work out what you want your customers to be thinking, feeling and saying when they leave your venue

Right message at the time to the right person.

Work in close partnership with your PR & Marketing consultancy to make sure your message and offering is being communicated with the right messages, in the right medium and timed for maximum impact.


Make sure your business is evolving your sector and bringing something new to market.

Gain a following.

If the above are all working well you should already be building a following. Make sure you nurture and continue to grow this group by staying in touch with information of value and interest to your customers. Staying in touch when customers are not in your venue is as important as connecting with them when they visit. A great and free example of this is social media, Instagram and Twitter will help keep your relationships live and encourage customers to remain loyal.

Harness the power of your team.

Be sure to develop your team and reward them. Your customers will judge you by the real world experience they have with you and your venue when they visit. There is a proven link between motivated, rewarded and happy employees and profitability. Excellent customer service and great staff is quoted as the number one reason for customers to return.

Treat your customers to an awesome experience.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a builder’s greasy spoon cafe or a 2 Michelin starred establishment, customers remember their entire experience from first entering your front door to paying the bill. Make sure every second counts.